I'm gonna live forever, or die trying..



London, England

Joined on 3/8/07

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CatFat's News

Posted by CatFat - September 8th, 2007

I'm now 15, well, on the 8th, though i didn't complete the two quick animation that i wanted to for my birthday, i'm still fairly happy. What would make it really perfect would be if i were to win one of the monthly prizes so that i can finally buy me a PS3! :D please? lol
I haven't been animating lately i just can't be bothered right now...especially since school has started again...but this month, hopefully i will finish the first ASS production, a jurassic park 3 spoof. Also in the line up, the CatFat trailer for my upcoming series, ctafat is on my avatar btw ;)
hell Yeah...
Since theres no new animation heres a 5 minute sketch instead :)

Posted by CatFat - August 29th, 2007

Well, i went back down to cornwall for like pretty much the last week of the summer holiday and me, anthony and my cousen Seb started recording funny, well to us...sound clips. We decided our first published ASS productions animation might as well be one of those sound clips so yeah! i started animating a jurrassic park spoof, which is coming along nicely! it'll probably take a week or 2 coz of all the lip syncing but i'll release it in september maybe on my birthday...maybe not..
It's really different from my usual stuff and it'll just be almost like a compilation of VERY quick sketches, a bit like egoraptors awesome series or most good spoofs.
So well , if it goes well then we have plenty more ORIGINAL stories we made up and can always be animated. Everything was improvised and unedited, except making it squeeky 'cause 'squeeky=funny' to us!
hmm..1 problem though, a good name? damn!
Also i started recording for the 'Catfat Trailer' and well, i'll animate it and finish it up after the jurrassic park maybe, though i'd like to have the trailer out before my birthday on the 8th so that's pretty tight....
I also deleted 2 posts is that bad?lol
Oh um here's a sketch i did randomly after seeing a woman on the train down to cornwall, just thought i'd include a pic....just for the sake of it...yeah..
i deleted pic coz yh....

Posted by CatFat - August 18th, 2007

This is the image that i had based sisyphus on, it's another drawing of sisyphus with the boulder, there wasn't too much to go on but, long brown hair/beard and a loin cloth.
I can see how it would be mistaken as bitey but this is what i was going for, just in a more cartoony feeble style. Hopefully this will resolve all the issues.
Sisyphus tries running away from the boulder thinking he can get away but because it is a punishment by the gods he can never get away from the boulder, that is what happens in the running scene. The myth describes sisyphus as very witty and crafty, i tried to put this across with the whole running away thing.
Just that a few of you have been confused by this! :)

The Original character design!

Posted by CatFat - August 17th, 2007

Well, i got front page unbelievabley!? and added to the brackenwood collection which i was totally not expecting! I still really can't believe it!!!
But as you can probably see by my smiley, i'm not elated..For once my animation had won daily 3rd prize and got front page, the reviews became very harsh and quite upsetting, saying it was a rip off of Adam phillips' animations, and i admit i have adopted many of his animating techniques and just felt i had to include techniques like the nats! i have learnt alot from Adam and am just using what i had learnt not exploiting it, Im a huge fan of his work and would never dream of copying anyone! partly cause it's such a waste of time! It's a completely different thing like it's about the myth of sisyphus not bitey! anyway i think that sort of critisism has died off now, and whenever anyone mentions Adam, it's only to compare and contrast not to try and put people off of watching my animation.
Though i'm glad that the majority of the people are enjoying my hard work or are leaving CONSTRUCTIVE criticism,
to those people thank you! i have only become ever more motivated by the release of this animation and i'll be straight onto more once i finish all these scripts for my series and stuff, l8z..


Posted by CatFat - August 16th, 2007

Well after a damn dodgey launch my animation is here! No more months of solitary confinement!!
Concerned about it not being in time, i was shocked when i watched it and witnessed the size fitting going wrong!! :( you could see the white borders utterly destroying the atmosphere! I kept editing it and finally fixed it but i think it was an NG error 'cause that's never ever happened before, so to all of the people who saw it in it's first 10 minutes please don't be put off by it! it wasn't my fault!!! ;)
The audio on the other hand was spot on for once!! YAY!!! But i had had to make some cut's to scenes in order for it to be submitted unluckily, i also had to remove some sound files and effects, so some of the cuts may now seem a bit harsh and not ease in as they should, to me at least:)
The first three and a half scenes were actually drawn with a mouse and took the majority of the time to do, but once i had earnt enough money i went and bought my self a graphics tablet! which sped up my work more than dramatically and i was finally able to show you my drawing skills like in 's+++ty tongue', made as a celebratery animation and only released for a sound check.
I nievelly thought that the sound would only take a DAY to do but it carried itself into the summer holidays and around and through vacations, ending up to take about a month to complete. But following that were the usual problems that came with the sound for me such as syncing.....-_-
but i found a friendly animator who told me how to sync it and for that i credited him;)
Anyway it is finally over with and i hope it does at least slightly better than my previous animations...
and now...well, i never wan't to c it again.
only kidding but not really!
So i bid you fairwell for now, and in the words of my friend Billy!
Lewis is a hippo,
Don't worry he's our friend, ongoing joke......he's a picture..

The Myth Of Sisyphus IS HERE!!!