Well after a damn dodgey launch my animation is here! No more months of solitary confinement!!
Concerned about it not being in time, i was shocked when i watched it and witnessed the size fitting going wrong!! :( you could see the white borders utterly destroying the atmosphere! I kept editing it and finally fixed it but i think it was an NG error 'cause that's never ever happened before, so to all of the people who saw it in it's first 10 minutes please don't be put off by it! it wasn't my fault!!! ;)
The audio on the other hand was spot on for once!! YAY!!! But i had had to make some cut's to scenes in order for it to be submitted unluckily, i also had to remove some sound files and effects, so some of the cuts may now seem a bit harsh and not ease in as they should, to me at least:)
The first three and a half scenes were actually drawn with a mouse and took the majority of the time to do, but once i had earnt enough money i went and bought my self a graphics tablet! which sped up my work more than dramatically and i was finally able to show you my drawing skills like in 's+++ty tongue', made as a celebratery animation and only released for a sound check.
I nievelly thought that the sound would only take a DAY to do but it carried itself into the summer holidays and around and through vacations, ending up to take about a month to complete. But following that were the usual problems that came with the sound for me such as syncing.....-_-
but i found a friendly animator who told me how to sync it and for that i credited him;)
Anyway it is finally over with and i hope it does at least slightly better than my previous animations...
and now...well, i never wan't to c it again.
only kidding but not really!
So i bid you fairwell for now, and in the words of my friend Billy!
Lewis is a hippo,
Don't worry he's our friend, ongoing joke......he's a picture..