Well, i got front page unbelievabley!? and added to the brackenwood collection which i was totally not expecting! I still really can't believe it!!!
But as you can probably see by my smiley, i'm not elated..For once my animation had won daily 3rd prize and got front page, the reviews became very harsh and quite upsetting, saying it was a rip off of Adam phillips' animations, and i admit i have adopted many of his animating techniques and just felt i had to include techniques like the nats! i have learnt alot from Adam and am just using what i had learnt not exploiting it, Im a huge fan of his work and would never dream of copying anyone! partly cause it's such a waste of time! It's a completely different thing like it's about the myth of sisyphus not bitey! anyway i think that sort of critisism has died off now, and whenever anyone mentions Adam, it's only to compare and contrast not to try and put people off of watching my animation.
Though i'm glad that the majority of the people are enjoying my hard work or are leaving CONSTRUCTIVE criticism,
to those people thank you! i have only become ever more motivated by the release of this animation and i'll be straight onto more once i finish all these scripts for my series and stuff, l8z..
Congratz Man, Really enjoyed the Animation..Hey even I check on some other animations to try nd learn from them its no problem.
You did a good job nd it payed off dont listen to the haters. =P
Thank you, i'm open to everyones opinions e.g. haters