i enjoyed it!
very good stuff, the acting was well done and some of the action was superbly animated, especially with you only being 16 ;)
I do think it was a bold choice to use the pencil tool though, i know it gives more consistently cleaner lines, but it kinda made it look scruffy here and there, but thats okay :P
I enjoyed all the extra's, like the openning and the episode 3 preview, t'was a nice touch.
I would have to say my only criticism would be that some of the character designs sorta looked like they were taken straight out of Naruto or the Breath of Fire series..but it's mainly due to the colours, like the pink haired girl looked like sakura from naruto etc.
You could maybe just try changing the clothes or hairstyles a bit to make em more 'original'
Though most anime characters tend to look similar anyway :P hence only deducting -1 off an otherwise 10 ;)
looking forward to the next one!