Just about finished finishing up my NATA submissions, I'll upload the first one in a week or two, since i'm gonna be away from any reliable internet providers for a bit. Hopefully i don't die before I return to upload them, since where i'm going has a precarious landscape and werewolves and lots of darkness and cliffs and sea monsters...and i wouldn't be surprised if I met a vampire or two..
I'll make a frontpage post when I come back :)
EDIT* Okay i'm back now, though my internet has been down for the last week. Also, since imma be really busy in the next 2 or 3 weeks, with events and stuff, i want to push back submitting my animations for a little longer :P sorry xD
Here's me animating for 30 minutes instead :3
dude! how do you color those cheeks like that D: ?
I used the pencil tool to draw out a big area (so that it blends well) on the cheek and then filled it with a smaller radial gradient.